Downtown Burbank TOD Specific Plan

A new specific plan is underway to re-envision the future of Downtown Burbank!


This is the community website for the Downtown Burbank TOD Specific Plan.  Here you will find the latest project updates, information on upcoming community events, and resources to track the progress of the planning effort.

This planning effort is being conducted by the City of Burbank, and is supported by funding from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Planning Grant Program Round 5 Grant and a State of California SB-2 Planning Grant.

The Notice of Preparation is now available for review. Visit our Resources page to view and download the document.

If you would like more information or to receive email updates, visit our Contact Us page.


About the Project

The City of Burbank has been awarded grant funding to prepare land use regulations that are supportive of transit-oriented development. This funding will be used to provide a new transit-supporting planning framework by way of the Downtown Burbank Metrolink Station Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Specific Plan and General Plan Update. View the project milestone schedule and see where are in the process.  



Your input matters!  Join us for upcoming project events and opportunities for public participation.